A company always on the ball


What we do

We are a bunch of curious, experience-focused travel mavericks; some historians, some linguists, some archeologists, all hopeless Epicureans with a passion for nature, traditions and real people.Truth be told, we are probably licking our fingers and washing down a delicious dinner with a chilly chardonnay somewhere far far away in a corner of Romania where cars are scarce and plains are greener. 

That being said, we are also a serious trip planning company, trailblazers in high-end experiential travel, ready and keen to share our love for Romania through one-of-a-kind tours and culturally immersive activities.

What we offer is an inside track on Romania’s cultural and gastronomic heritage mixed with some fine, hand-picked boutique properties with just one aim in mind: for you to enjoy our country in an open and friendly atmosphere! 

Romania Private Tours founder


Travel Godmother

A travel-addict who counts future trips instead of sheep when going to sleep. She is also the Epicurean leader of the pack. 

Romania Private Tours team


Travel Fairy

A modern day Herodotus, divided between sense and sensibility. She also likes good wines and going to ballet shows.

Romania Private Tours team3


Travel Genie

Seeker of the insolite and an art buff, he is a perfume aficionado and swears by Maria Callas.